Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Unspoken Truth

It was about 3 days since I had been captured... the Hunger and thirst had now become so common to me that I had forgotten about it.. it wasnt important now...what was important...was how I was goin to escape this wretched hell hole.. The walls surrounding me seemed to keep getting closer and closer....boxing me in this 2x2 meter room... I still had the lighter which my bro had given me for my birthday. I took off my shirt, used the lighter to set it on fire... and set the smoke detectors off.. Hearing this my captors sent for the Fire Dept. when they arrived I knocked a fire fighter out Using my Tai Kwan doe Kick to the groin. HE yelled "ouch" and passed out..I stole his clothes... and pretended to be a fire fighter...dressed him up in my clothes (what was left of them after the fire) and managed to escape.. haha U vile corrupted Factionists!! Kidnapping me and thinking u can keep me a captive???!!! neverrrrr!!! oh shit theire coming agaiN!!! best be on my way... the trusty Bajaj!! hurry !!!


Decoder said...

Argh!! Who has captured ye olde primate??!! The RED TEAM is on standby for rescue missions... if you need it...

Next time you walk around, make sure you carry that Enforcer with you..


Kaiser Kobayashi said...

oh good god!!!...have HAVE you been smoking this time?!?! hehehe...pssst dont tell anyone but i think their the men in black...spread the word around the prophecy is upon us!!!