Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Holy crap.!!! I have jus come to realize tht I am going nuts cos of this idiot box upgrade they call a cmputer.!!! I'm starting to use chatting comments such as "LOL" or "ROFL" in my everyday speech... Im also starting to make lame jokes related to comps...this Software engineering degree is driving me insane!!! Also the fact tht ive become addicted to MMORPG's isnt helping!! late nights on Lineage 2 are not helping my morale or self esteem or my sleeep!!!

I hav also noted the fact that I am using many of these gaming terms and 1337 (Leet) words in ordinary chat to ordinary ppl and they be like "Wtf is he talking abt??"

The coursework is almost done n its driving me insane...I cant get my right hand off the keyboard cos my left hand holds it back and vise versa... I have so much work to do as well, which explains the lack of bloggage..ooooooo... new word..."bloggage"

that reminds me ... my dictionary and some words I use :

lolizzle :(verb) "Laughing out loud...in a gangsta way"
Nyerr : "OK "or "SHAPE" (reluctantly)
MotherWhore : (noun) well an insult...
booga-booga : "hello" in a sudden flashy tone
eh? : "WTF?"
bleh : "cant be bothered"
byarr : "heheh i just insulted u!!"
meh : "here"
fuktard : "F**king retard"
Moona : "money"
Zoogla : (noun) "great god of Craziness"
Trizzler : (noun) polite way to call someone an "Asshole"
Humongerous : (adjective) "extremely gi-normous" - obtained from Beppy (c)
Gi-normous : (adjective) "Extremely LARGE!!!!"
ZOMG : "Oh my god"
KTHX : "k thankyou"